Yoga has a wide range of health benefits, some of which are known to be specifically beneficial to improving your respiratory health, lung strength and breathing capacity. Over the past few months, Claire from I Yoga London has adapted her personal yoga practice to include these three poses that support good lung health. *Please note these…
“Cash is king” is a well-known saying. Cash may be considered even more essential right now, as many yoga businesses are feeling more than a pinch of pressure, given the current economic prospects and uncertainty for the future. Retreats cancelled or postponed, social distancing regulations in place making any physical classes impossible and with no…
The I Yoga London blog is advancing and we are looking for guest bloggers to join the crew, either to post a one-off article or contribute regular features. Here’s how it works and how to apply…
Autumn can be a difficult time of year for some people. Waving goodbye to the warmth of the summer sun and the prospect of shorter days and several months of colder weather, takes its toll. Unless we make a conscience choice to battle the blues, we can find ourselves demotivated, de-energised and introverted. Here are…
The London marathon is just a couple of months away. If you are one of the 386,050 applicants that that secured a place, you will no doubt be a fair way through your training plan already. Typically a marathon training plan can range from 12 to 30 weeks, depending on your running experience. How can…
If you have feelings of sudden panic, your heart rate increases for no apparent reason or you feel like a knot appears in your stomach, you could be suffering from anxiety. These days, especially in big cities like London, we have got used to the feelings of being stressed and under pressure. Demanding jobs, long commutes,…
Practicing yoga when pregnant can be a wonderful choice of physical exercise. Yoga helps improve strength and flexibility required for childbirth, it’s infinitely relaxing for both the mother and the growing baby, and can help prepare for the birthing process with a focus on breathing techniques. A pregnancy yoga class is also a great way to…
Yoga in London has grown exponentially in recent years. There are new yoga studios popping up in all corners of the city, as well as enthusiastic yoga teachers running classes in their homes, in gyms, church halls, schools and parks. Even garages are being put to good use! The word of yoga and it’s benefits…
Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is the final pose in many yoga classes. On the surface it looks like the easiest pose of all. I mean, how hard can it be lying on your back, palms facing upwards, eyes closed?
The 8 limbs of yoga refers to the work of Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras. This text was designed to act as guidelines on how to live a life of purpose, following a step-by-step path to enlightenment. It includes how to act morally and ethically with self-discipline and towards a spiritual existence. These 8 limbs of…