Today I Yoga London are celebrating National Fitness Day (NFD) 2016 by giving away TWO FREE YOGA PASSES to a studio in London near you. Today is the perfect opportunity to make a start if you are looking to improve your fitness, live a healthier lifestyle or connect (or reconnect) with yoga.
Read more about NFD and join our give-away today.
National Fitness Day
National Fitness Day (NFD) has been established a while but for the past two years the campaign organisers, and those heading up the promotion, is UKActive.
NFD was created to encourage sports centres, health clubs, yoga studios, gyms, parks and anywhere that provides a place for physical activity, an initiative to offer FREE events and get more people in the UK, active.
So why not, on this date, make a stance to ditch the sofa and soap operas, and try a new physical activity!
“National Fitness Day is a day for celebration of the fun of fitness and of enjoying movement” UKActive
Yoga studios and teachers – what you can offer
Last year over 2,200 fitness and leisure sites registered to offer something special for National Fitness Day. This year it could be even bigger with your support.
If you are a yoga studio or yoga teacher in London offering a free class, discounted membership or anything extra to celebrate this special day, let Yoga London know.
From previous NFD campaigns, thousands of people participated and subsequently signed up to new memberships, started new habits (or broke old ones) and introduced new activities into their daily and weekly routine.
Give yoga a try for National Fitness Day
If you haven’t tried yoga before, and live in London, now could be just the encouragement you need to try a class and see if you like it.
People practice yoga for many different reasons, some to lose weight, some to improve back or posture issues, others to relax and calm the mind and nervous system. Different types of yoga have different benefits and which type of yoga would suit you best depends largely on your goals.
Regardless though, yoga is a great way to move! Loosen up those stiff joints to become more flexible, shift stubborn fat cells through aerobic exercise and build muscle definition by learning to hold your body weight. These are just a few ways you can improve your health with yoga.
Join our give-away to celebrate National Fitness Day. Simply leave your name and email to join our Mailing List and we’ll select one lucky winner tomorrow. That’s one winner with two passes, so you can take a friend along too.
Leave your name and email in the side bar to join our mailing list and you will be automatically entered into the competition.
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