The 8 limbs of yoga refers to the work of Patanjali, in his Yoga Sutras. This text was designed to act as guidelines on how to live a life of purpose, following a step-by-step path to enlightenment. It includes how to act morally and ethically with self-discipline and towards a spiritual existence. These 8 limbs of…
The Yoga Sutras are a collection of 195 Indian traditions, or aphorisms, written and compiled by the Sage, Patanjali. They detail the historical practice of yoga taken from many sources, combining the knowledge that was available at the time, to act as a yoga guidebook and the framework of which yoga practice has been built.
First of all, welcome to the world of yoga! You are about to join the other millions of people worldwide who practice yoga for fitness, health, healing, relaxation, spirituality and self-development. As you have an interest in yoga for complete beginners you may have questions. You may be excited but also a little apprehensive of what…
What is yoga? It is a great question, with several possible answers, depending who you ask. To someone who has never practiced before, yoga can perhaps be described as a physical activity, developed some 5,000 years ago in India, where participants move into unusual and awkward looking positions, stretch a lot, whilst practicing deep breathing!…