Autumn can be a difficult time of year for some people. Waving goodbye to the warmth of the summer sun and the prospect of shorter days and several months of colder weather, takes its toll. Unless we make a conscience choice to battle the blues, we can find ourselves demotivated, de-energised and introverted. Here are…

If you have feelings of sudden panic, your heart rate increases for no apparent reason or you feel like a knot appears in your stomach, you could be suffering from anxiety. These days, especially in big cities like London, we have got used to the feelings of being stressed and under pressure. Demanding jobs, long commutes,…

Practicing yoga when pregnant can be a wonderful choice of physical exercise. Yoga helps improve strength and flexibility required for childbirth, it’s infinitely relaxing for both the mother and the growing baby, and can help prepare for the birthing process with a focus on breathing techniques. A pregnancy yoga class is also a great way to…

Today I Yoga London are celebrating National Fitness Day (NFD) 2016 by giving away TWO FREE YOGA PASSES to a studio in London near you. Today is the perfect opportunity to make a start if you are looking to improve your fitness, live a healthier lifestyle or connect (or reconnect) with yoga. Read more about NFD…

There are many benefits of yoga, including physical, mental and spiritual. However, certain benefits can be applied specifically to the female of the species. Benefits of yoga for women include helping with fertility, easing menstrual tensions, assisting during pregnancy and preventing osteoporosis.

There are a lot of people out there looking to take up yoga and everyone has to start somewhere. The good news is that yoga classes are very welcoming and friendly environments for beginners – generally most people want to help, not hinder.

It could be said that children these days can benefit from yoga more than ever before. With stimulation and distractions from the moment they wake until the moment they close their eyes at night, children are becoming more stressed and pressured by the environment we live in. In many cases, little is being done to…

International Yoga Day is today – Tuesday 21st June. This event was initiated and formalised in 2015, so whilst it is a new idea it is now set to be an annual celebration. The idea of this celebration is to promote the practice of yoga and meditation, spreading awareness about the many benefits of adopting yoga into…